NSC Medical’s HealthCare Pillow

The Hygenia Healthcare pillows is designed for your patient or residents with complete safety and comfort in mind. Our soft, pliable nylon cover is cool and comfortable while still being completely water-proof. The real magic with the pillow concerns what is inside. It was once said, “all good things come from within”.

The Hygenia pillow is made with NSC Medical’s man-made fibre that simulates down and feather. Combine this with NSC Medical’s unique, non flattening, non clumping properties, and you have “health care’s most durable pillow”.


Exclusively designed system consistently produces maximum loft for maximum comfort and durability Non Clumping , Non Flattening 100% MACHINE WASHABLE

Testing Specifications

The Hygenia Pillow’s coated nylon fabric has the following features: 

Antimicrobial Treatment


AATCC Method 147-1988

Staphylococcus aureus 99%+ Contact Inhibition
AntifungalAATCC Method 30-1988

Aspergillus niger 99%+ Contact Inhibition

Fire Resistant NFPA 701 (Small Scale) Pass

California TB 117 Pass Fluid Repellency

Hydrostatic Mullens

Federal Standard 191-5512 10.5 PSI

The Hygenia Pillow’s 100% NSC Medical’s man-made Fibre
fill has the following features: 

Fire Resistant

California TB 117 Pass

Non Clumping , Non Flattening


Item: 168-NSC1053

Product Sizes: Available in all standard and custom sizes.

Fill: NSC Medical’s man-made Fibre

Warranty: 3 Year Non Pro-Rated


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